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Examination office of the department of electrical engineering and computer science

Welcome to the website of the examination office of the department ETI

Our tasks:

  • Advising students in matters of examinations
  • Registration for free trials (improvements)
  • Processing of mentor approvals
  • Registration / Acceptance of final thesis
  • Processing of deregistrations / sickness notifications
  • Preparation of certificates
  • Processing of cases of hardship

NOT our tasks

  • Problems with enrolment or cancellation of lectures or exercises (please contact the responsible chair)
  • General study advising (please contact the Central Student Counseling Service or the Psychological Service)
  • Unisono-Support (please contact unisono directly for questions regarding course booking).
  • Enrollment certificates or proof of enrollment periods (please contact the student secretariat).



Electrical engineering

Contact: Nadine Heuckmann
Room H-E 212
Natalia Berg
Room H-E 212
Phone: 0271-740 4409 0271-740 4114
Address: Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen
Email: pruefungsamt-et@uni-siegen.de
Opening hours:

Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 11:00 a.m. or by appointment

Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00 a.m. or by appointment

Computer Science

Contact: Andrea Baule M. A.
Room H-E 211
Phone: 0271-740 3113
Fax: 0271-740 4112
Email: pruefungsamt-inf@uni-siegen.de
Opening hours:

Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00 p.m. and Wednesday 09:00 - 11:30 a.m. or by appointment.


Contact: Iris Hannebauer
Room PB-A 402/2
Phone: 0271-740 3075
Fax: 0271-740 4112
Email: pruefungsamt.mechatronics@uni-siegen.de
 Opening hours: Thursday and Friday (08:00 - 10:00 a.m.) only by appointment. Please request an appointment by e-mail: pruefungsamt.mechantronics@uni-siegen.de

Exam Dates

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